Source code for gxformat2.cytoscape

"""Build standalone visualization for Galaxy workflows."""
import argparse
import json
import os
import string
import sys

from gxformat2.model import ensure_step_position
from gxformat2.normalize import steps_normalized

CYTOSCAPE_JS_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cytoscape.html')
This script converts an executable Galaxy workflow (in either format - Format 2
or native .ga) into a format for visualization with Cytoscape

If the target output path ends with .html this script will output a HTML
page with the workflow visualized using cytoscape.js. Otherwise, this script
will output a JSON description of the workflow elements for consumption by

[docs]def to_cytoscape(workflow_path: str, output_path=None): """Produce cytoscape output for supplied workflow path.""" if output_path is None: output_path, _ = os.path.splitext(workflow_path) output_path += ".html" steps = steps_normalized(workflow_path=workflow_path) elements = [] for i, step in enumerate(steps): step_id = step.get("id") or step.get("label") or str(i) step_type = step.get("type") or 'tool' classes = [f"type_{step_type}"] if step_type in ['tool', 'subworkflow']: classes.append("runnable") else: classes.append("input") tool_id = step.get("tool_id") if tool_id and tool_id.startswith(MAIN_TS_PREFIX): tool_id = tool_id[len(MAIN_TS_PREFIX):] label = step.get("id") or step.get("label") or (f"tool:{tool_id}" if tool_id else str(i)) ensure_step_position(step, i) node_position = dict(x=int(step["position"]["left"]), y=int(step["position"]["top"])) repo_link = None if "tool_shed_repository" in step: repo = step["tool_shed_repository"] repo_link = "https://" + repo["tool_shed"] + "/view/" + repo["owner"] + "/" + repo["name"] + "/" + repo["changeset_revision"] node_data = { "id": step_id, "label": label, "doc": step.get("doc"), "tool_id": step.get("tool_id"), "step_type": step_type, "repo_link": repo_link } elements.append({"group": "nodes", "data": node_data, "classes": classes, "position": node_position}) for key, value in (step.get("in") or {}).items(): # handle lists? if isinstance(value, dict) and 'source' in value: value = value["source"] elif isinstance(value, dict): continue if "/" in value: from_step, output = value.split("/", 1) else: from_step, output = value, None edge_id = f"{step_id}__to__{from_step}" edge_data = {"id": edge_id, "source": from_step, "target": step_id, "input": key, "output": output} elements.append({"group": "edges", "data": edge_data}) if output_path.endswith(".html"): with open(CYTOSCAPE_JS_TEMPLATE) as f: template = viz = string.Template(template).safe_substitute(elements=json.dumps(elements)) with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(viz) else: with open(output_path, "w") as f: json.dump(elements, f)
[docs]def main(argv=None): """Entry point for building Cytoscape visualizations of Galaxy workflows.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] args = _parser().parse_args(argv) workflow_path = args.input_path output_path = args.output_path to_cytoscape(workflow_path, output_path)
def _parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument('input_path', metavar='INPUT', type=str, help='input workflow path (.ga/gxwf.yml)') parser.add_argument('output_path', metavar='OUTPUT', type=str, nargs="?", help='output viz path (.json/.html)') return parser if __name__ == "__main__": main()